A Phoenix Rising From The Fire | You Chose To Be Here Right Now (Jerry Sargeant)

A Phoenix Rising From The Fire | You Chose To Be Here Right Now (Jerry Sargeant)

You chose to be here right now

Show notes

You chose to be here right now, on this Planet, at this time, in this space. You are unique. You are beautiful. You are strong, courageous and full of wisdom. Whilst others are falling apart around you, hold the line and hold the light!

Star Magic offers the most comprehensive hands-on and distance healing for everyone anywhere in the world. Energy healing is an ability that we all have. Each of us simply needs to be shown how to tap into our inner potential. Once you have trained in Star Magic you can go out into the world and use the skills and tools you learn to elevate your life, your business, and the lives of others.

Jerry’s Sargeant's Star Magic Healing training courses are highly practical and transformative. They are for anyone who wants to explore energy healing, DNA and third eye activation, and transform their lives by stepping into their authentic power so they can best serve humanity by living in a state of wonder and joy, on an ultra-high vibration.

One Love! One Heart! One Human Family!

➡ For more information about Star Magic Training visit: http://starmagichealing.com/facilitator-training ➡ Join my new Telegram group: http://t.me/spiritualgangsta1
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